15 years, in the stream of life (2003-2018)
The book 15 years, in the stream of life (2003-2018) aims to retrace fifteen years of activity through images and through snippets of exhibitions, of residencies, of life. The publication, with graphic design by l’Atelier Baudelaire, will be presented as a coffee table book.
The publication was officially released in September 2019-2020 around a festive event bringing together artists, researchers, members of Bétonsalon, and students who contributed to those fifteen years of experimentation. Arts centers are currently facing significant changes, both in terms of their financial plans and their programming.
As part of the Bétonsalon – center for art and research fifteenth anniversary, a program of conferences took place starting in September 2019-2020. Each cycle included topics that are at the core of the art center’s history: the question of the current moment for alternative space, the economy of conviviality, the rapport between artists and young curators; but also broader themes such as the redefinition of the relationship between art centers and galleries; the exploration of new institutional values, etc. Initiated in a spirit of exchange and collaboration, the participants were invited to share their professional activities, drawing from their own experiences to discover new ways of working together.
Editorial direction: Mélanie Bouteloup
Coordination: Lucas Morin
Coordination assistant: Adrian de Banville
Graphic design: Atelier Baudelaire and Anne-Lise Bachelier
Distribution: Not distributed
Publication: September 2018
French edition
19.5 x 29.5 cm
192 pages
ISBN 979-10-93142-20-3
The publication can be purchased at Bétonsalon – centre for art and research, and is available for mail order (cost of the book + postage).