on displays
franck leibovici
First artist to benefit from the ADAGP & Villa Vassilieff research grant, franck leibovici developed over several months a research program around the question of exhibitionary devices. Over the course of his research, he has established collaborations with researchers, artists, theoreticians, scientists and curators from which the publication on displays was born.
The on displays publication brings together people of various disciplines (art, international criminal law, social sciences, design, etc.), facing the same problem of mass management of images or texts. The format of the edition with its construction guidelines is inspired by Enzo Mari’s Autoprogettazione to allow these devices to circulate and readers to use them freely if similar difficulties arise for them.
Editorial direction: franck leibovici
With texts by Mélanie Bouteloup, g.u.i., Christophe Leclercq, Paul Girard, Daniele Guido, franck leibovici, Julien Seroussi, Armin Linke, Walid Raad, and also with Charles, Ray Eames, El Lissitzky, Aby Warburg
Graphic design: g.u.i. (Nicolas Couturier and Angeline Ostinelli)
Edited as part of the ADAGP & Villa Vassilieff grant
Distribution: not distributed
Publication: February 2018
French edition
19.5 x 30cm
The publication can be purchased at Bétonsalon – centre for art and research, and is available for mail order (cost of the book + postage).