This event will look back at the genesis and reception of this exhibition in relation to the various presentations of the Angel Cycle, while offering a re-contextualization of Klonaris/Thomadaki’s work in dialogue with feminist movements and theories since the 1970s.
Antoine Idier
Antoine Idier is Associate Professor in Political Science at Sciences Po Saint-Germain-en-Laye and researcher at the Centre de recherches sociologiques sur le droit et les institutions pénales (CESDIP, UMR 8386). He has notably published the books Les Vies de Guy Hocquenghem. Politique, sexualité, culture (Fayard, 2017), Archives des mouvements LGBTQ+ (Textuel, 2018), Pureté et impureté de l’art. Michel Journiac et le Sida (Sombres torrents, 2020) and Résistances Queer. Une histoire des cultures LGBTQI+ (with Pochep, Delcourt/La Découverte, 2023). He has edited the writings of Guy Hocquenghem (Un journal de rêve, Verticales, 2017) and Yann Beauvais (Agir le cinéma, Presses du réel, 2021). In 2022-2023, he was curator of the exhibition “Dans les marges. Trente ans du fond Michel Chomarat à la bibliothèque de Lyon”. In 2024, the was commissioner for the AWARE prize, and presented and defended the work of Maria Klonaris and Katerina Thomadaki.