Presentation and discussion by La Buse collective
Alongside the Syndicat des travailleur-euses Artistes-Auteur-ices (STAA), the Syndicat National des Artistes Plasticien-nes (SNAPcgt) and with the support of the Syndicat National des Écoles d’Art (Snéad-CGT) and SUD Culture Solidaires, La Buse has co-authored a statement aimed at guaranteeing continuity of income as a right for art workers.
This proposal has been echoed by political groups such as France Insoumise and the French Communist Party – the latter is currently working on a bill to be presented to the National Assembly at the end of the year. We now want to publicise this statement by organising a tour to present the platform in several cultural venues in France.
In addition to a presentation of our proposals, discussions will be held with the main stakeholders, both art workers and structures, to consider the implementation of these proposals.
Thus, several members of La Buse will replace the statement in its writing context and will then come back in detail on this project of improvement of the artists-authors system in which we advocate a facilitated access to the social rights accompanied by an accessible unemployment insurance at a low threshold, as well as a recognition of work accidents and professional diseases for all self-employed art workers.