Hosted by François Aubart, co-curator of Judith Hopf’s exhibition.
Digital technology has a double: electrical infrastructure. The immediate relationship with connected objects (smartphones, computers) makes invisible the infernal continuum of infrastructures that lie behind them: data centers, undersea cables, electricity transmission and distribution networks. As digital technology accompanies massive electrification, the electrical system itself is increasingly dependent on digital technology to function. To understand this great system and imagine how to transform it, we need to go to the end of the flow, where the materiality of machines and cables is revealed.
Fanny Lopez
Fanny Lopez est historienne de l’architecture (Doctorat Université Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne), MCF à l’Eavt Paris Est et chercheuse au Laboratoire Architecture, Infrastructure Territoire à l’Ensa Paris-Malaquais. Elle a publié Le Rêve d’une déconnexion. De la maison autonome à la cité auto-énergétique aux éditions de La Villette en 2014 et L’ordre électrique – Infrastructures énergétiques et territoires, chez Métis Presses en 2019.
In partnership with the École nationale supérieure d’arts de Paris-Cergy (ENSAPC) as part of an exchange with the Städelschule Frankfurt.