Pauline Perplexe, 76-78 rue de la Convention, 93400 Arcueil
Loup Rivière from dance for plants proposes an afternoon workshop in one of the two houses occupied by Pauline Perplexe, before their move at the end of the year, as a way to spend a moment in the intimacy of the knowledge of a place. How do we make a place, and how do the places we make and unmake, that we transform, make us and unmake us, form us and inform us, transform us? We will take the time to tell each other the stories of things, traces and memories, and to watch ourselves move in the places we listen to (and perhaps deposit other stories to unfold later).
This workshop is open to ten people (upon registration at paulineperplexe@gmail.com) who have passed through, lived in, or visited the place in some way over the past three years.
Loup Rivière
Loup Rivière is a dancer and thanadoula. She builds spaces to care for the relationships between the dead and their living, in different contexts and temporalities. She founded the collective dance for plants (2016) and published the texts “Je suis pas trans dans la forêt”, “Danser est un Service Écosystémique et être trans aussi” and “Lesbiennes géologiques, bites de meufs et autres histoires – un poème étendu”. She is currently touring her solo armes molles (2021).
dance for plants
dance for plants offers workshops and performances in gardens, schools, forests, apartments and museums. The collective is in long-term residency at the Laboratory for Aesthetics and Ecology (Denmark) and has worked in various universities and arts centers in Paris, Brussels, Antwerp, Copenhagen, Helsinki, Stockholm, Väjxö, Reykjavik, Montreal, New York, Brno, Aix-en-Provence, Bourges, Marseille and in Ariège.